Wire Palm Tree Tutorial - Model Railroad Scenery


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Making a great palm tree isn’t as hard as it seems, follow along in this easy tutorial and make your own fantastic looking palm trees. No special tools required just a lot of time and patience!

Whether you’re making a palm tree for your model railroad, war gaming terrain, architectural landscape or just for your own diorama, making some fantastic looking palm trees will certainly deliver a sense of warmth and tropical climate to you model not to mention just look amazing!

Below is a list of materials used to build the palm tree


28 Gauge Florists Wire

2.7mm Diameter Insulated Electrical Wire

Air Drying Modelling Clay

Gesso Acrylic Paste

A4 Printer Paper (and a computer & printer to print the leaf design)

A Marker Pen

Jute Twine

Spray Adhesive

CA Glue (Super Glue)

Helmar Super Tac Glue

Wide Masking Tape

*Vallejo Paint*

Golden Olive

Burnt Umber


Light Mud



Camera (phone is good), Computer and Printer

Side Cutters



Various Paint Brushes


Sharp Hobby Knife (I use a number 2 blade)


Rhodesia by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

Artist: http://www.twinmusicom.org/

Camera and Equipment:

Panasonic G85

12 - 60mm Panasonic Kit Lens

45 - 150mm Olympus Lens

Extra Files:

Additional content that will help you recreate and follow along with the build, some of the 3D printer files are still experimental and may require some tinkering in order to get them to print successfully. Also, nearly all of the 3D printer files are designed for resin 3D printers, trying to print them using a filament 3D printer may not be possible!

But in any case, I hope you enjoy the extra content.


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