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Sponsored by Scene-A-Rama, for their full range be sure to visit: https://scenearama.woodlandscenics.com/?utm_source=luketowan&utm_medium=video&utm_campaign=lt1
If you want to build dioramas and model scenery this is where to start, Scene-A-Rama have a range of starter kits that will get you started in building awesome dioramas that are perfect for school projects or even as a test bed for trying new techniques that can later be applied to a large model railroad.
To create the dam wall shown in the video a Scene-A-Rama Water Diorama kit was use, however, it was supplemented with a range of products from Woodland Scenics to create the final project. Below are a list of products and the associated links on where to find them:
Some of the products I used in the video were sent to me for the purpose of making this sponsored video but if you’ve been a follower of my channel you’ll notice I have purchased quite a lot of these products already, which is why I have no problems recommending them, they are great products and as you can see in my library of videos the results speak for themselves.
In order of appearance...
Scene-A-Rama Products:
Water Diorama Kit - https://scenearama.woodlandscenics.com/show/item/SP4113
Project Base (Large) - https://scenearama.woodlandscenics.com/show/item/SP4165
Woodland Scenics Products:
Foam Modeling Sheets - https://woodlandscenics.woodlandscenics.com/show/item/C1177
Concrete Top Coat - https://woodlandscenics.woodlandscenics.com/show/item/ST1454
Just Plug Light Hub - https://woodlandscenics.woodlandscenics.com/show/item/JP5701
Just Plug Nano LED - https://woodlandscenics.woodlandscenics.com/show/item/JPNALGT
Just Plug Power Supply - https://woodlandscenics.woodlandscenics.com/show/item/JP-PS
Foam Tack Glue - https://woodlandscenics.woodlandscenics.com/show/item/ST1444
Foam Putty - https://woodlandscenics.woodlandscenics.com/show/item/ST1447
Foam Sheet - https://woodlandscenics.woodlandscenics.com/show/item/FOAMSH
Light Weight Hydrocal - https://woodlandscenics.woodlandscenics.com/show/item/LWHDCL
Rock Molds - https://woodlandscenics.woodlandscenics.com/show/category/RocksMoldsCustomDebris
Paper - https://woodlandscenics.woodlandscenics.com/show/item/C1188
Mold-A-Scene Plaster - https://woodlandscenics.woodlandscenics.com/show/item/C1202
Liquid Pigments - https://woodlandscenics.woodlandscenics.com/show/category/Pigments
Static Tac - https://woodlandscenics.woodlandscenics.com/show/item/FS644
Scenic Cement - https://woodlandscenics.woodlandscenics.com/show/item/S191
Static King - https://woodlandscenics.woodlandscenics.com/show/item/FS639
Static Grass - https://woodlandscenics.woodlandscenics.com/show/category/FieldSystem
Ground Cover - https://woodlandscenics.woodlandscenics.com/show/category/GroundCover
Tree Armatures - https://woodlandscenics.woodlandscenics.com/show/category/TreeArmatures
Hob-E-Tac - https://woodlandscenics.woodlandscenics.com/show/item/S195
Fine Leaf Foliage - https://woodlandscenics.woodlandscenics.com/show/category/Fine-LeafFoliage
Deep Pour Water Murky - https://woodlandscenics.woodlandscenics.com/show/item/CW4511
Realistic Water - https://woodlandscenics.woodlandscenics.com/show/item/C1211
Soft Flake Snow - https://woodlandscenics.woodlandscenics.com/show/item/SN140
Water Ripples - https://woodlandscenics.woodlandscenics.com/show/item/CW4515
White Water Highlight - https://woodlandscenics.woodlandscenics.com/show/item/CW4529
Water Tint - https://woodlandscenics.woodlandscenics.com/show/item/WSWT
Additional content that will help you recreate and follow along with the build, some of the 3D printer files are still experimental and may require some tinkering in order to get them to print successfully. Also, nearly all of the 3D printer files are designed for resin 3D printers, trying to print them using a filament 3D printer may not be possible!
But in any case, I hope you enjoy the extra content.
All the 3D printer files to use with the DAM build