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3D printers have come a long way over the past few years and if you need extreme detail when 3D printing then you have to check out DLP 3D printers… They are amazing to say the least!
Over the past month I’ve been experimenting and testing the Anycubic Photon DLP 3D printer and to be brief I’m very impressed, it’s not 100% perfect but for what I do, building detailed model scenery and structures this printer certainly exceeds expectations.
If you build models that need good detail like those who build model railways, wargaming and dioramas then you may want to consider one of these printers, it requires a bit of post processing however if you’re willing to spend hours building a model kit then taking the time to make and process a 3D printed item won’t seem like a big deal.
For more information be sure to visit http://www.bouldercreekrailroad.com and you will find a detailed guide on using this 3D printer as well as some common problems that you may experience and ways to fix them.
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Additional content that will help you recreate and follow along with the build, some of the 3D printer files are still experimental and may require some tinkering in order to get them to print successfully. Also, nearly all of the 3D printer files are designed for resin 3D printers, trying to print them using a filament 3D printer may not be possible!
But in any case, I hope you enjoy the extra content.